"Wise management makes the difference."

The Elliott Merrill Management Team


   Craig Merrill, PCAM

Mr. Merrill has been president of Elliott Merrill for the past 18 years. He is a graduate of The University of Massachusetts with a Bachelor of Science in the HRTA Program (Hotel Restaurant and Travel Administration). Prior to joining Elliott Merrill, Craig was the Director forlobet af enanthate of Restaurants with The Fountain Bleau Hilton in Miami. He has obtained the highest designation in the community management field, PCAM (Professional Community Association Manager). Craig enjoys his two children, boating, fishing and golf.



   Julie Barrett

Julie has been with the team since 1995. Julie works with Gene Ross and Craig Merrill as their assistant.  She enjoys working with people and places a high emphasis on internal organization.  Julie enjoys spending her off time with her family.